Blog posts in category: Interior Shading

Decorative Shade Fabrics: More than Meets the Eye

When you’re talking window shades, fabric is always going to be paramount. In the solar shade industry, we’re usually talking about scientific and technical data like shading coefficients and visible light transmission, and even the impact of color and density of the weave. But man does not live by bread alone, right? More choices and more opportunities with Decorative Fabrics Decorative shades hold plenty of interest out there, and at Insolroll we’re proud to feature…read the full post

Daylighting Made Simple: How EVERYONE Can Benefit From Solar Shades

  Daylighting is nothing new. For centuries, builders all over the globe have known that placing windows on one side of a building versus another made for a far more comfortable home that required fewer resources to keep warm and illuminated. A lot of us may tend to shy away from the science surrounding solar screen shades, after all, the complexities and time requirements of everyday life can leave us with little extra bandwidth. But,…read the full post

The “Other Solar”: Solar Shades, Energy, and “Going Solar”

Recently hubby and I met with someone in our home to discuss “going solar”. There was much discussion about the benefits of “going solar”… for our wallets, for the community, and for the environment. Clean, renewable energy. Shrinking our carbon footprint. Maintaining a more efficient household, thereby saving money and resources. Being part of the Insolroll family, it’s become second nature for me to think about the energy efficiency of solar screen shades, and the…read the full post

Solar Shades: Can you see the TV set?! Optimize your Super Bowl experience!

You’ve got your popcorn. You’ve got your team (*Bronco*) colors on. You’ve got your flatscreen, and your comfy chair, and maybe some great friends to enjoy the game with. You’re all set for the pre-game show, and the brand new commercials that will accompany the game… you know the best ones come early! But can you see the TV set? It sounds silly, but for many of us around the country, the game starts when…read the full post

The Dynamic Dual: Dual Shades are Insolroll’s Complete Light Management Solution

    Some rooms are mild mannered, with a clearly outlined function and needs. But other rooms have to work hard, accommodating a variety of uses and activities, sometimes all in a matter of minutes. You’ll find them in many commercial settings, handling high tech activities and media viewing, all kinds of performances, even display of delicate items and more. Insolroll’s Dual Shade system was designed for rooms like this, getting multiple light management needs…read the full post

Solar Shades are for the Birds

It’s getting to be that time of year again, if you are a birder, for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Great Backyard Bird Count. This year’s count will be held February 14-17th, and those who enjoy what is purportedly the nation’s second fastest growing hobby eagerly await the chance to observe, count and catalog the birds that visit their yards. Birding has really stepped up its game technologically, with all kinds of identification apps, song…read the full post

January: The Return of Light (and increasing glare!)

A lot of people around here at Insolroll headquarters REALLY look forward to the passage of the winter solstice and the return of longer days! Our National Sales Manager, Earl Cornelius, follows the time the sun will set each day, and how much more light we have than we had the week before. It feels good as the days begin to lengthen again, but even in the winter, we have sun glare to deal with.…read the full post

How Safe are YOUR Window Shades? Part 1

Whether you have children of your own, grandchildren, or even children of the furry kind, this is an issue that is high interest for many. Some people just want to be sure their homes are safe, and to avoid hassles when they sell the home one day. Real estate professionals now warn clients to remove window treatments from a home on the market that are not child safety compliant to avoid culpability after the sale.…read the full post

Custom Printed Roller Shades Command Attention!

Many Shades of Profit Insolroll is proud to offer custom printed roller shades that can help our dealers sell more jobs, and help any brick and mortar business generate more excitement at their windows and more traffic through their door. We print in-house, allowing us to control the printing process as well as provide top quality shades, something quick printing and sign companies cannot do. Printing can make shades sing in residential applications- the ultimate…read the full post

Solar Screen Shades: ‘Green’ Solution for Commercial Window Treatments

Solar screen shades are a popular solution for commercial window covering projects. The ability to have the shades down to provide glare control while maintaining “view through” to keep the inside spaces connected with the outdoor environment is truly unique. Performance issues are often overlooked by designers focused only on specifying PVC-free or recyclable products. Although there are many ways to interpret what is Green, making sure that window treatments meet or exceed necessary performance…read the full post