Blog posts tagged: Translucent Shades

New Fabrics and Fresh Looks Elevate Insolroll Roller Shades

Do you love fabric? Many people initially get into the window treatments business because of their love of and connection to fabric. These days, there are so many things that window shades can do in terms of motorization and automation, setting scenes and schedules, and even voice control… It’s all very exciting, and yes, we’re excited about those things too! But when it comes to window treatments, it always comes back to fabric. Colors. Textures.…read the full post

Decorative Shade Fabrics: More than Meets the Eye

When you’re talking window shades, fabric is always going to be paramount. In the solar shade industry, we’re usually talking about scientific and technical data like shading coefficients and visible light transmission, and even the impact of color and density of the weave. But man does not live by bread alone, right? More choices and more opportunities with Decorative Fabrics Decorative shades hold plenty of interest out there, and at Insolroll we’re proud to feature…read the full post