Blog posts in category: Heat Control


By: Natalie Pease for Insolroll Now don’t freak out, I’m not talking about evil spirits or Voodoo dolls. I’m talking about KOOLBLACK™ Solar Screen fabrics. A fabric for our interior solar screens line that has baffled and amazed many of us here at Insolroll. An employee even nicknamed this fabric “Black Magic”. We have been carrying KOOLBLACK interior solar shades fabric for a number of years now, and its attributes have yet to disappoint us. I…read the full post

SC vs. SHGC- Why is This Solar Screen Shade Value Changing?

  Here at Insolroll, we eat, breathe and sleep solar screen shades, which control the amount of heat and glare that enter your home through the windows. People around here, including me, have been wondering “What’s the deal with SHGC on the fabric sample cards? Why can’t they just put SC on the cards?” (Or truthfully, sometimes, “What the heck is SC/SHGC anyway?“) *sound of tires screeching* Hold everything! What??!! We all know that solar screen…read the full post

Solar Screen Shades: a Piano’s Best Friend!

by Kim Newby for Insolroll Any musicians out there? This one’s for you! Pianos are big. Bulky. Heavy. None of that stops them from being a delicate flower, though, especially in a home environment. My granny always told me “Don’t put your piano agains an outside wall!”, and “put a shot glass of water behind the soundboard for humidity”. I don’t know how well either of these pieces of advice actually work, but the idea…read the full post

Why Choose Solar Screen Shades?

We at Insolroll like to use the phrase “Block the sun, not the view!”, and yes, view is paramount when it comes to solar shades.  The quality of the view through solar screen shades is unrivaled among window treatments, but that first half of the phrase is equally important! Solar shades block 3 kinds of the sun’s radiation We have sort of a knee jerk negative reaction to the word “radiation”, but in reality, the…read the full post