Blog posts in category: Residential Solar Window Shades

Residential Solar Shade Style

Some people think solar shades are perfect for “modern decor”. Maybe they’d go so far as “contemporary” (not interchangeable terms!). If you share that opinion, I’d like to try to change your mind… Energy Efficiency goes with every style With every day that passes, we become more conscious of energy usage in our homes. Solar panels go up, incandescent light bulbs get switched out for CFLs or LEDs. Weather stripping is applied, smart power strips are investigated.…read the full post

Solar Shades: Can you see the TV set?! Optimize your Super Bowl experience!

You’ve got your popcorn. You’ve got your team (*Bronco*) colors on. You’ve got your flatscreen, and your comfy chair, and maybe some great friends to enjoy the game with. You’re all set for the pre-game show, and the brand new commercials that will accompany the game… you know the best ones come early! But can you see the TV set? It sounds silly, but for many of us around the country, the game starts when…read the full post

How Safe are YOUR Window Shades? Part 1

Whether you have children of your own, grandchildren, or even children of the furry kind, this is an issue that is high interest for many. Some people just want to be sure their homes are safe, and to avoid hassles when they sell the home one day. Real estate professionals now warn clients to remove window treatments from a home on the market that are not child safety compliant to avoid culpability after the sale.…read the full post